

Accountancy, Bookkeeping and Management Service


  • 記錄收入及付款的帳簿

  • 整理憑單、銀行結單、發票

  • 整理收據資產及負債紀錄等

  • 整理會計賬簿

  • 準備及遞交財務報告

  • 計算稅務和遞交各類報稅表編制公司財務報表包括資產負債表、收益表、總賬及明細賬

  • 所有會計資料均以專業會計軟件處理,會計賬目資料整齊 ,一目了然

  • 有效之財務管理

  • 有力的合法收入証明

  • 貸款及融資申請用途

  • 提高知名度、認可性及信譽,為上市作準備

  • Account book to record income and payment

  • Organize vouchers, bank statements, invoices

  • Organize receipt assets and liabilities records, etc.

  • Organize accounting books

  • Prepare and submit financial reports

  • Calculate tax and submit various tax returns to prepare company financial statements including balance sheet, income statement, general ledger and detailed account

  • All accounting data is processed by professional accounting software, accounting data is neat and clear at a glance

  • Effective financial management

  • Proof of strong legal income

  • Loan and financing application purpose

  • Improve visibility, recognition and credibility to prepare for listing